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Parents - for their Kids

Every Kid at their respective ages against gender,they will have certain milestones in physical growth,habitual changes,behavioural changes and food style,etc And there is a phenomenal change in the society too,where earlier ages we used to play in mud and now kids are restricted to do that.

We Parents digitally are not influenced at our child age where our kids wake up with one other social media notification. Either leave or holiday we used to spend the day on streets and grounds but our kids are not allowed to play outside.

Similarly we are handy with small petty shops and roadside foods,but restricted our kids other than Sooper Restaurants.This is the age where kids turn to teens and fear starts in different ways…

Here the go,we concern more on our kids future,being a reason of drastic change in ecosystem.And we do have self questions while we observe our children's activities


Teens (>18 yrs to 24 yrs)

Important age of lifecycle - decision making period in terms of building career path and getting into relationships like love & marriage.We need to understand that whatever you invest in at this age will determine the quality of lifetime you get.And the higher chance of fear of life,diversion and addiction. The gap between parents and teenagers in India is wide because of the fast-moving pace of the millennials. Teenagers tend to develop the nature of being secretive and uncooperative with their parents.

Teenagers easily feel insecure, peer pressure, parental pressure, societal pressures, etc. it’s a tough time for them to handle too much during this self-exploration phase. Indian parents interact with their teenage children according to the perspective of society, the next-door person, the relatives, etc. the relationship between parents and their children should be direct without the interference of the beliefs of the people in the world. Indian parents are constantly worried about the complexion, height, hair texture, and weight of their teenage children. This negative energy transfers to the teenagers and they start living with questioning their physical appearances.

Hence affecting their mental peace too. Younger generations are at the front of the line, exploring new approaches, new encounters and new challenges.About 47% of young people fear that they won’t have access to permanent, full-time jobs due to digitalisation.


Youth & Mid Age (25 to 50 yrs)

A crucial stage in every human life.Here he comes out of the shades of parents,builds his own path either work by profession or entrepreneur.Not only that getting relationship which leads to marriage either love or arrange,also brings new life to the world and builds their lives.

In this age every person irrespective of gender,profession will have their own challenges A recent study found that nearly 42.5% private sector (including IT/ITeS, FMCG, manufacturing, real estate, education, engineering, media, telecom, and advertising among others) employees in India suffer from depression or anxiety disorders due to work stress, high-performance issues, overtime, and other job-linked prerequisites.

The changing nature at the workplace coupled with changes in socio-cultural level has led to imbalance in the work and personal lives of employees all over. Increasing demand, rising awareness among women, increasing stress levels, increasing family levels etc., have made it difficult for people to cope with their work and family lives. With increasing stress levels and demands at the workplaces, the attrition rate in organisations is increasing.


Golden Ager (> 51 yrs)

Ageing is another stage of life such as childhood, adolescence or adulthood. Older persons age differently and experience ageing differently. They might experience various changes in terms of physical, psychological, relationships, social, environment, situation, behaviour, spiritual and intellectual. Everyone adjusts to ageing differently, For those who fail to adjust successfully might develop various emotional problems.

Older persons have different ways of coping with their losses and changes in life. If they have adjusted fairly well during their adulthood, they are more likely to be able to adjust well to their old age. On the other hand, if they used to resist change throughout their younger age, they will probably continue to do so and experience various negative physical and emotional effects.

At this age you will be moving towards retirement and some will not exist also. Also at this age will have some of other chronic disease and majorly mental illness.Many aged people will be isolated from families, even some will be moved to aged homes.Earlier days, elderly people used to be the centre of home where in our modern world we moved them backward.Starting from depression,illness to isolation it will hurt them to the core every second of their life.